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How to stay healthy in a world that makes it so hard!

Is it just us or is everyone having a more gentle start to this new year? Happy 2022 to our beloved customers and supporters!

At Arganic, we look further than New Year Resolutions. We believe in a commitment to improving yourself slowly but surely everyday, while enjoying the process. The new year follows a period of downtime and indulgence for most, so naturally it’s a good time to reset.

If you are focused on improving your health and are feeling overwhelmed by all the advice and messages on this subject, we wanted to share our founder’s ‘safe’ and solid tips to feeling great and looking your best, for good! 

  • Try to avoid any highly processed and ‘junk’ foods at all costs and for good. This doesn’t mean you should never eat pizza or burgers in moderation, it means that choosing versions for which every element of the dish is of quality makes a difference. It’s wise to understand the ingredients inside everything you consume and pay special attention to liquid foods such as ready-made sauces which can be full of artificial and non-beneficial ingredients.  Highly processed and non-useful foods are confusing to the body and can wreak havoc with your metabolism. This is why it’s best to cook yourself or purchase foods from places and brands you really trust.
  • Pack more ‘micronutrients’ into your diet as a daily habit, these are disease preventative and amazing for the skin, in particular your complexion. Think a squeeze of fresh lemon, garlic, fresh herbs, antioxidant rich pomegranate seeds and generally lots of colour on your plate. Try to integrate raw veg simply as nature intended into every meal.

  • Without needing to cut them out all together, try consuming less stimulants such as  sugar, coffee and alcohol. They are known to block nutrient absorption, have you craving unhealthy foods and are very dehydrating. Reducing your intake can make you feel so much better in a short space of time and you’ll certainly notice a positive difference in your skin. You can try to wean off slowly but surely,  if you enjoy sweet treats then have them but go for things that are less sugary and more flavour focused. Not all cookies are made the same!
  • One of the best things you can do for your body inside and out is to get your fats right. Pack your diet full of good cold pressed oils such as argan oil and olive oil for your heart, skin, optimal brain function and more. Less deep frying and more drizzling, dressing and dipping. Fats with higher smoke points such as butter and coconut oil are best enjoyed in moderation and highly processed fats like margarine should be avoided all together.
  • Eat organic foods to ensure you get nature’s full benefits, note that some foods can be organic without actually being certified or labelled organic.


We know that everyone has different means both financially and time wise but we can all make tweaks to the personal situation we are in. If staying healthy sounds expensive or time consuming, there are a few things to bear in mind. 

  • If you shop at a farmers market or a trusted independent store where you are more emotionally connected to the grower or the maker, you are less likely to waste. It’s sad that so many who shop at large and convenient supermarkets end up throwing away so much, half their bread loaf, half the pack of cheese, a lot of vegetables. In this sense, if you do the maths based on less waste, better quality foods can cost you significantly less than you think. 
  • You can pack your meals full of naturally cheaper nutritious ingredients such as good grains, pulses, spinach, cabbage, potatoes and eat seasonally for better value. This can allow you to save some budget to accommodate better quality fats and animal produce which you can integrate into your diet in moderation.
  • Sometimes it comes down to what you choose to prioritise. For me, eating well is an investment for the future, a preventative medicine and the quickest and most effective route to better skin and hair. I haven’t bought a handbag in years, I’d rather buy organic vegetables! (I love using Riverford Organic).  If you look at food the same way as  beauty products, you can save a lot there too if you eat for your skin and hair. Of course our great value and multi-purpose cosmetic argan oil is all you really need anyway!
  • We’re so used to convenience but in some ways convenience is killing us. Perhaps you can find ways to enjoy preparing your own meals or join forces with a friend for some weekly meal prep together? 



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