What we have been into recently!

What I’m loving is my baby finally sleeping in her crib haha! It’s giving me a bit of respite which means I have started to do small things for myself again - in between using the time for my own naps of course. As I always say, the best things in life are not easy but worth it :)

I’m baking again and absolutely love this chocolate chip cookie recipe. I'm really into freezing pre-portioned balls of it to enjoy a freshly baked cookie (or two or three!) as and when needed. The last time I made them I replaced the plain flour with wholegrain spelt and liked it even more. 
This time of year, particularly with the  lack of sun, makes me want to invest in my health and beauty more. I recently made a paste out of nigella seeds, sesame, argan oil and honey and I’m having a teaspoon a day as a health elixir. In the Quran it is noted that nigella seeds ‘cure everything but death’!
I’ve also been enjoying a weekly clay and argan oil face mask to purify and tone my skin.


Finally, with my dream to avoid long term back pain postpartum and the weather keeping me at home more, I’ve been getting into Kit Rich’s Pilates classes on Glo  (a fab online platform introduced to me by Kati who used to work at Arganic). Kit is an incredible teacher and you can get so much out of just doing a 20 minute season. 
Nicky, our operations manager, has always been an advocate for doing things locally. Based in East London she has been loving Pilates at Tempo301, which has great teachers and is soooo relaxing and essential for keeping neck and back pain at bay.
Fran’s Café on Wilton Way E8 is everything Hackney locals wished for! Breakfast, lunch and dinner at a neighbourhood caff, offering British and Italian comfort food and always a great community atmosphere.
What Nicky wants for Christmas? (I’ve got the hint haha) - new loungewear from One Hundred Stars.
Finally, Houda from Sidi Yassine, who we work with in Morocco, is loving apple cake dipped in argan oil and honestly who could blame her!


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