One of the (many) reasons I set up Arganic is because I was uncomfortable with seeing Western brands misrepresenting and often exploiting products from ‘foreign’ places such as Morocco. Without a depth of understanding of the culture and a genuine love for and connection with the people it’s difficult to do things the right way.
In my opinion it’s not okay for a business to make money at the negative expense of others or to use and benefit from the best parts of a culture that you don’t credit or support.
I recently was able to go back to Morocco for the first time since the pandemic started and I fell in love with it again.
With Morocco you need to venture out to places further afield to Marrakech to really experience it and it’s worth it because you’ll meet some of the kindest and more generous people in your life. You’ll be fed like royalty and be amazed by all that nature has to offer from the mountains to the desert and more.
I have so many stories to share. This time round there was a woman I crossed paths with who was in real hardship and in a tricky situation, it was heartbreaking especially as you could see that she had so much potential and talent. I told her I loved her outfit and asked where she had got it from. It turns out she designed it herself and got a local tailor to make it. The next day she told me she’d washed it and she insisted on gifting it to me, I wore it for much of the rest of the trip. This warmth and kindness is typical of Morocco.

Many of you love our oil and it’s important to know where it comes from and what it represents!